6 Bits of Wedding Advice to Absolutely Avoid

Published On: September 29, 2016Categories: Planning Resources

We often hear from couples that the moment they get engaged, they are flooded with advice from every direction. Technology makes it easy for a couple to become overwhelmed with wedding related advice because it seems that almost every article online will be about wedding dos and donts. Combine this with every friend and family member trying to give tips and trick about what they think should be heard before it’s time to walk down the aisle – it can be both a blessing and a curse of too much knowledge. So when all this advice is surrounding you, it is actually helpful to know what advice should be taken seriously and which advice should be swept under the rug.

Is there such a thing as bad advice? Absolutely. Want to know which wedding advice to ignore? Here are six wedding tips you should 100% avoid.


1. Skimp on the Food
Clearly, we are passionate about this point. Not only because it is our business but because the number one thing that is remembered at any event is whether or not the food was great. Some couples may say that there isn’t a need to go above and beyond with packages that offer a selection of hors d’oeuveres and main course. But the truth is, it’s the number one thing guests will remember the wedding by. Whatever your budget, you should allot about 40% of it to catering.

2. Improv Your Vows
Don’t leave your words to chance. You may be a little nervous or emotional on the day of the wedding which could make it hard to speak from the heart. Spend time writing your vows and memorizing them if you can.


3. Skip the Open Bar and Make the Guests Pay
Having a cash bar at your wedding is possible, but not necessary the smoothest move. If you are concerned over budget, opt for a bar that includes beer, wine and sodas instead of one with liquor. Cash bars tend to catch guests off guard as guests typically don’t expect to pay for anything at the wedding. If you insist on a cash bar, be sure you let each guest know in advance of the wedding. This can be done by including the information on the invitations, or personally talking to everyone on the guest list.

4. Don’t Compare Weddings
Don’t try to compare your wedding to anyone elses. Each and every wedding is unique and personalized to the couple that is getting married. The best thing you can do is use other weddings as inspiration for your own.


5. Open Seating
It might sound like a good idea at first, and a great way to save you the stress of spending time organizing the perfect seating chart… but avoid this idea like the plague. You’ll end up with odd couples that can’t sit together because there isn’t enough room at a table and a stressed out event staff if they have to find specific guests with special diets. Assign tables to help your guests, and yourself, enjoy your wedding experience. Another no-no that fits in with this is random seating assignments. It may be awkward for your sorority sister or fraternity brother to be sitting with your aunts and uncles. Reception seating can be a great way to bring new people together and spark interesting conversation, but try to seating like-mannered guests together.

6. DIY as Much as You Can
It sounds like a way to save money, but when you DIY your wedding you’ll start to notice that you’re spending quite a bit more time and money on crafting. It ends up completely counteracting the idea of saving money. Trust the wedding professionals in your area and hire a professional that can help with your floral and décor.